You're right, Therese: the pressure is building!
Gah- ok... this is the SECOND time I've written this post... since it's Monday morning and I stupidly forgot to save the first one. grumblegrumblegrumble.
I have not posted in four (count them) FOUR days. This is just unacceptable to me. And just as my faithful blog guru informed me it would be when I began the obsession that is blogging, the pressure to produce witty and interesting posts on a daily basis is intense. ESPECIALLY when real life has the audacity to become so all-consuming as to interfere with my ability to relate its events to all of you, my faithful readers. But now it's Monday, and I'm back at the office, so what better time to catch up on lost posting-time?
For me and Tobin, it was a weekend of apartment-putting-together madness. This included:
- not one, but TWO weekend trips to the mall (for the hilarious details of our Saturday afternoon- what the hell were we thinking?!?!?!- trip to Wal-Mart, see Tobin's blog);
- various run-ins with my trusty hammer (both good and bad, painful and harmless);
- one broken picture frame;
- one collapsing bookshelf;
- several calls to the Linksys and Aliant 1-800 numbers (why do routers NEVER do what they're supposed to without at least one call to tech support?);
- the intervention of my fantabulous father and his trusty hack saw;
- an introduction to our new neighbour, Pedro;
- the application of several hundred magnetic words to our washing machine;
- one ginormous crate of microwave popcorn;
- and a partridge in a pear tree.
Sunday became a day of attempting to relax. I got to try out our new, but-in-actuality-really-old-and-clawed-foot tub (which is really worth the cost of rent all on its own, in my opinion), AND we went to yoga. Oh how I love yoga!! Wonderful, calming yoga! (even if I do stand an EXCELLENT chance of looking ridiculous and doing a face plant into the hardwood floor...) So by Sunday evening, Tobin and I were quite mellow. This is a good thing, since, had we not been so mellow, our new blinds would have surely ended up going through one of the windows they were meant to be covering...
Ahhhhhh... dontcha just LOVE new apartments?
But really, for all the complaining I do, I DO love our apartment. And once we have found a home for everything, it will be a truly stellar place to be. It's on the horizon... no, really!... it IS coming.