Sunday, January 15, 2006

Would you like half of my waffle??

The rain has now turned to freezing rain. Last night it was FIFTEEN DEGREES CELSIUS... now it's getting cold again... all the snow had melted, and now the ice is falling fast. It's plotting against me and my new "4-wheel drive for your feet" shoes, I just know it... what?? I'm not paranoid. I'm not. shut up. this weather is so fucked up.

Ok- so this morning I met Meagan for brunch at the Home of the Platonic Ideal of Breakfast, otherwise known as Cora's. This was an especially good idea since we both had christmas gift certificates to use, (so my platonic ideals were comparatively cheap this morning) and because we were both ever-so-slightly hungover after last night's EXCELLENT festivities...

But I digress. So, I met Meagan for brunch, and as we were enjoying our huge plates of yummy stuff, in walked a couple that I recognized from the Uni. They had impressed me the first time I saw them as the very definition of the word 'refined'. I'm not sure exactly why- sure they're well groomed, and very stylish; older too, but that's not it... I think really it's the way they carry themselves. Anyway, this couple was seated one table away from Meagan and me, and directly in my line of vision. Their order came in the form of two HUGE platters heaped high with whipped cream, fruit, and all things yummy- the typical Cora's fare... and I watched as they carefully divided each of their breakfasts in half and switched. Don't ask me why, but it struck me as such a sweet thing to do. I'm jealous of them.

Same thing happened the other day when I ran into my Mum and Dad at the bakery downtown... Mum was eating something that involved powdered sugar, and thus inevitably got it EVERYWHERE. As we were leaving, my Dad stopped her to sweep the remaining sugar off of her chin. It wasn't necessarily the action itself, but the way in which it was done. I am very envious of my parents' relationship... then again, anyone who knows my parents is envious of their relationship: They're so natural and comfortable in each other's company. It represents the kind of... what's the word... security? contentment? comfort? I hope to find someday, and am absolutely petrified will allude me. That said, I take a preverse satisfaction in the knowledge that I'm hardly alone in this boat. I'm such a weirdo...

ps- check out the new links, posted on the right: fast tracks to Strong Bad and Monty Python, and consequently hours and hours of hysterical laughter... 'cause laughter really is the best medicine...


At 9:35 AM, Blogger Thérèse said...

Yesterday, it was 15 degrees celsius in two places. Here, and Egypt. That's right, I said Egypt.

How often do you suppose that kind of freak coincidence occurs? Ridiculously cold for Egypt this time of year and ridiculously warm for here this time of year.

At 9:47 AM, Blogger jenn said...

Ahhhh global warming... either that or an alien species with climate control having a great time fucking with our heads... Did you know that this area was once a tropical climate?? There are shell fossils all over the place...

At 9:55 AM, Blogger Esperanza Molinar said... know you should be able to get waffle....half with your order and half with your imaginary bf's waffle./....we could call it...Training Waffle....or Waiting for the other shoe to drop waffle....or FUCK YOU I AM SINGLE WAFFLE

At 10:02 AM, Blogger Thérèse said...

Once a tropical climate? Amazing.

Oooh, that sounds like a great name for a chocolate, actually.

The FUCK YOU I'M SINGLE truffle.

It makes me want to have a situational-flavour-naming party.

At 10:06 AM, Blogger jenn said...

Oh yes! the "Fuck you! I'm single (but I'm not bitter) waffle" ... I like it- I think we could go places with that...

At 10:06 AM, Blogger jenn said...

oh- we will have such a party. It's all about naming the legal addictive stimulants...


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