Monday, January 16, 2006

more money than brains...

Monday- a new work week has commenced, and with it winter has reared it's ugly head... again. I arrived at the office promptly at 8:20 am (thanks again for the transport, Tobin!) to find that I am the first person here... excuse me?? The door is locked and all is dark. This is unheard of- most of my workmates are usually in the office by 7:50 at the latest, and tease me relentlessly for being so late...

So after determining that it was, in fact, Monday, that the University was, in fact, open, and that I was NOT missing some form of staff meeting, I settled into my little cubby to commune with my coffee, bagel, and early morning email.

~pause while Jenn cleans up the hot chocolate she has just spilled over her ENTIRE desk~


So where was I? Oh yes- early morning email. This is my ritual... I enter the office, get settled, and then ignore everyone and everything while I check my email and eat my breakfast. I don't even turn my music on... just enjoy the quiet before the day goes to hell and my phone starts ringing...

One of the usual emails is the daily staff newsletter- the 'eDaily'. Today's edition included a reminder that there is still time to sign up for this semester's "Personal and Cultural Enrichment Courses". Goody! These usually look really interesting to me- stuff like photography classes, or conversational Spanish. So I scroll down to check it out, and this is what I find (among other things):

The Journey Inward - Wellness and Journaling
($200 +HST)

Improving your Memory
($125 +HST)

The Journey Inward??? Ok- I'm all for journaling, in fact, I quite enjoy it (hence the blog), but who's gonna pay $200 (+ HST) to learn how??? Better yet, who's got $200 (+HST) to spare for something like a Wellness and Journaling class??? Really???

Hence the comment, more money than brains.

Same with paying $125 to take a class in improving your memory... although I DO know a few people (not naming names... you know who you are) who might benefit from this... but for $125?? PLUS HST?!?!

I dunno, maybe it's just a side-effect from the fact that my impoverished student days have now carried over into a no-longer-a-student-but-still-paying-for-the- impoverished- student-days existence, but I just find the idea of paying that much money for something like that so ridiculous I can't stop laughing... and haven't been able to all day...

ps- no offence to anyone who happens to be signed up for either of these courses... good luck with the whole journal journey, and- oh yeah!- improving that memory...


At 1:19 PM, Blogger Thérèse said...

See, I get the feeling that a pool of my friends would be more inclined to pay for me than I would be to pay to take that memory course.

Yeah, I know you were talking about me, Jenn. And if not, we both know you should have been.

What a journey that course would be.

At 1:39 PM, Blogger jenn said...

Muahahahaha! Actually, I forgot that I should be talking about you! Hmmmmmmm.... the pooling idea is a good one. I'd pay.... oh, I dunno... $20 (max) to improve a friend's memory... the journaling thing, however, is simply ridiculous. The only $$ I would pay for that is the cost of a pretty journal and a nice (ie- gel) pen.

At 2:45 PM, Blogger Grumball said...

Yeah we know who you were thinking about... I'm notorious. notorious G. The sieve. I don't really care though, so I certainly wouldn't pay to be changed.


At 3:26 PM, Blogger Esperanza Molinar said...

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At 5:51 PM, Blogger jenn said...

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At 6:18 AM, Blogger Hep said...

I would take a "how-to-punch-your-prof-in-the-face-and-not-get-in-shit class" for $200 + HST.

At 6:33 AM, Blogger Thérèse said...

You know, Gilly, if you get enough people to sign a petition saying they want a certain class, they have to offer it...


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