Definitions please...
Ok... so as most of you know, I quite delight in coming up with new words and incorporating them into my daily vocabulary, or, better yet, taking pre-existing words and phrases and changing their meanings to suit my needs.
There are times when I just find the english language to be at a loss to properly express what I'm trying to say, so I have to make something up... Also, I'm not above shamelessly stealing from other languages...
Yes, it is true that this means that it can be very confusing to speak to me at times, but it's always exciting!
(well almost always... I can't be stimulating ALL the time... even adorable geniuses such as myself need a rest from time to time...)
For instance, some of my favorites are:
gorf- this is a combination of 'dork' and 'goof'. If I call you a gorf, do not be offended, it was meant affectionately ;)
goober- similar to gorf, but ever so slightly more loveable.
btw- I know this isn't a word per se... but if you're ever IMing with me and I say this, chances
are it doesn't mean 'by the way' (although it might, depending on the context), but 'back to work'... a carry over from my student days.
gah- usually seen with multiple exclamation points... this is used to express exasperation and frustration- I feel it works better than "argh!".
gesundheit!- I use this whenever anyone sneezes, coughs, hiccups, burps, etc, in my presence. I know that most people only say it after a sneeze. But I'm weird that way. Deal with it.
homewrecker- addressed to anyone who has just made a mess of somekind. Yes, I know what the conventional meaning of the word is. I reject that meaning and use mine good naturedly.
prolly- used in place of probably. It's just easier to say... I know, I know... this is the bastardization of the english language... Oh well- you know what they say: the only constant is change.
ich verstehe- it means "I understand" in German. It just sounds better... less... condescending... more like the "Aha!" of the lightbulb clicking on...
And then, the other day, I came up with a new one...
As a student of politics, I felt the need to have yet another 'ism' introduced to the world... in reality, I was referring to our pre-humanoid relatives in an incredibly crude conversation about the evolution of our eating habits... it was really grasped because I couldn't think of the word I actually wanted... but now I'm thinking that it's a fun word and I need to come up with a definition... what do y'all think??
Leave me ideas of potential definitions please!
Also, leave me new and fun words!!! (don't forget to tell me what they mean!)
I say prolly all dee time. Actually, it's mostly cause I have a hard time actually pronouncing probably properly. What? Everyone has those kinds of words!
And now, definitions. (ahem)
Monkeyism (noun)
1. Behaviour resembling that of a primate.
2. Expression borrowed from person suffering from major monkeyitis or person afflicted with severe monkeyism tendencies.
Also, this is one of my favourite games. I'll throw some words at you. They already have definitions. Recent ones that I recall...
Hittonable, hattable, hattafied, resolute, hateration (not me who made that one up but I COULD have)...
I definitely like hittonable. I'm not a hat person (for obvious, curly haired reasons...) so those are less up-my-alley...
I have previously made my feelings about 'resolute' very clear.
Monkeyism - any act committed by Shaggz, being Stephen Charters. Also: of or pertaining to these actions.
Hack it up, filthmongers! The prancing madame is thus. From whence I hence, I thence.
Why thank-you, Grum. I knew you'd be able to make a stellar contribution to this conversation ;)
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Oooooo... I like "sigh"! Hadn't thought of that one.
You are completely excused (for the time being) from offering a definition due to extreme creative exhaustion... report back when rejuvenation is complete ;)
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