Monday, June 12, 2006


Imagine my surprise when I toddled into the office this morning, flicked my computer on, pointed and clicked my way to my inbox only to find that over the weekend I had been brutally and ruthlessly blog-spammed!! That's right... over 25 spams in the space of ~ 24 hours. I am not amused. It's bad enough that I average ~20 email spams per day, enough actual physical junk mail to choke a horse, AND fax spams, but now to deal with a crazy amount of blog spams taboot?? I really don't want to turn up the security on this thing, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do...


At 10:39 AM, Blogger Thérèse said...

Please, please please don't put the spam verification back on.

Please please.

At 10:46 AM, Blogger jenn said...

Hee. I won't. Not yet anyway. Maybe it was jsut a one-time thing...

At 6:16 AM, Blogger Thérèse said...

Here's hoping. For your sake. You know.

At 5:06 AM, Blogger jenn said...

jackt: In the event of another attack, on goes the word verification!!! And I'll check out wordpress... thanks for the tip ;)


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