Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I am, quite possibly, the world's BIGGEST klutz. In one (that's right, one) twenty-four hour period, I managed to maim both hands, one foot, kill at least one kitchen utensil, spill various forms of liquid all over other people's apartments, and nearly impale myself with one of those cute little drink umbrellas. All of this before the consumption of girlie pink-drink liquor began.

That's right. So let me take you through it all, if you have the stomach for it, that is ;)

Maiming #1: involves the time honoured female ritual of shaving the legs. I somehow managed to remove half of the skin on the knuckle of my pinky finger AND a sizeable chunck from the MIDDLE of my nail. It didn't bleed too badly. No medical attention was sought.

Maiming #2: this also includes the murder of the kitchen utensil also... Whilst attempting to concoct my famous hummous for a potluck, the potato masher I was using to beat the chickpeas to death self-destructed in my hand. Wooden splinters abound and tiny slits made in my OTHER pinky finger. I am now pinkyless :( Again, not too much blood, and no medical attention was sought.

Maiming #3: chunk of broken beer bottle lodged in big toe... while on a 10 block walk... bliss. Glass was successfully removed. Wound was disinfected . No medical attention was sought.

The various spillages occurred whilst preparing for the evening... loading up the fridge, etc. at which point I managed to drop TWO 2 litre bottles of club soda, and thereby caused TWO explosions later in the evening... but it's all good 'cause club soda removes stains, right?

Finally, whilst preparing pink drinks for one of the wonderful women present, I very nearly impaled myself with an orange drink umbrella. Fortunately, it DID NOT draw blood.

At this point in time, the other women present (thank-you Tiffany!) decided it was a bad idea for me to be around the kitchen and began a subtle intervention. Thus I survived to spend the next two days recovering, cooped up in my parent's house and my room.

And now here I sit, at Joe's incredible computer writing this to you all, in various stages of repair and far, far away from all sharp objects.


At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I really think the moral of the story is not to stay away from sharp objects It is that any object can be a lethal weapon in the hands of a maiming mastermind... ;)

VERY glad that none of these injuries caused you to not enjoy yourself!

At 8:47 AM, Blogger jenn said...

I never really looked at it from that point of view, but you're absolutely right! Good god, I'm a mastermind!!! Fun!

Hehehehhe- NOTHING, short of natural disasters or loss of a loved one, could have caused me not to have fun!!!

At 4:43 PM, Blogger León said...

Hi Jenn... I've no idea what "klutz" means... i read all your post and i barely catched your words...


I'm gonna take your blog and Therese's... as a test... at least i'll learn new words... or some phrases i like...

The more i read you, better it gets...

ok... Time to go...
I'm in the middle of a class...

At 3:02 PM, Blogger Jay said...

I feel particular pity because of my own recent shaving incident.
I hope that this means you'll be accident free for quite some time, because really, that's an impossible number of injuries!

At 9:11 AM, Blogger melissa said...

Club soda DOES remove stains.


At 5:54 AM, Blogger jenn said...

Leon: a 'klutz' is someone who is very accident-prone or clumsy... I don't even think it's an English word... more likely German... so don't sweat it ;)

Jay: I certainly hope that's what it means... I can't take much more... although just the other day I cut my foot on a piece of glass that was somehow embedded in my living-room carpet.

Melissa: See?? There was a method to my madness! I meant to do it! Honest! :D


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