Monday, July 17, 2006

...and I'm still sporting the red sparkles to prove it!

Saturday night was Girls' Night. At my house. The theme was Hawaiian (which was appropriate given that it was ~35 degrees- with the humidex- at 8 o'clock at night) and the drink was a massive vat of Sangria. Much fun was had by all (how could it not??), and there was narry a drop of Sangria to be found by the end... only sodden orange wheels and a few stray lime wedges ;)

There is, I have come to discern, a need for the time-honoured tradition of Girls' Night. It gets women out of their worlds of coupledom, and allows them to reconnect with other women... Being a virtual singelton myself, it never ceases to amaze me the sheer joy that many of my 'coupled' female friends take in an evening with just 'the girls'...

There is certainly a connection that women feel with one another (and I assume men feel with other men)- the unity that is bred of shared experience perhaps? Wherever it comes from, it is highly comforting to indulge oneself in an evening of it every now and again... to let loose and just talk about things that can't be properly discussed in the presence of the traditionally more vocal men... I can't say exactly what though, as this would be breaking one of the primary codes of Girls' Night conduct: What happens at Girls' Night stays at Girls' Night...

The best part of Girls' Night though?? The deepening (and creating) of great friendships, and the fact that all you men miss us SO much, even though we're only gone for a few hours. That makes us feel needed, and that's a nice feeling :D


At 10:35 AM, Blogger Thérèse said...

Hawaiian night was a fantastic idea!

And I am officially a fan of white sangria, which I did not know existed until Saturday.

Butlet me tell you, audience of Jenn's.... it is to die for.

Well. Maybe not.

But it's definitely worth making. :)

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