This past weekend the gods finally answered my inward pleas for a reprieve in the form of a ridiculously low rental car rate. As I possessed myself of long distance mobility, which I have come to realize is science's greatest gift to humanity (a bit of an oxymoron, I'm sure some will think), I wracked my brains for ways to properly use this awesome machine. And then it came to me in a flash: Of course!! MINI BREAK!
Anyone who grew up near an ocean will tell you that if you remove yourself from the seashore, it won't be long until you begin to pine for waves. And pine I do. It was to be a gorgeous weekend- sunny and hot, so Saturday morning found me speeding off, picinic dinner, overnight bag, and camera gear in tow, to the splendiferously gorgeous Fundy Coast. Just me, myself and I. Fabulous.
My goal was to be incommunicado from all but those who share my understanding of an 'emergency' (ie- not being able to find the tea-lights does not qualify), and incommunicado I was. This was greatly facilitated by the fact that there is no (I repeat, NO) cellular signal along much of the Fundy Coast, which means even if you were calling, I couldn't know, and therefore couldn't feel guilty about ignoring you (I gave the number of the B&B I was staying at to those few who fell into the above noted category). Brilliant!
So I got to the B&B and hunkered down for an afternoon with the sun, the sound o
f the waves, my book, and a ridiculously luxurious nap. 'Twas heaven. My picinic dinner was scrumptuous, and then it was off to bed. In the morning, I awoke to the smell of frying bacon. You really can't beat a B&B for breakfast... especially a rural B&B. Bacon, eggs, toast, fresh muffins, fresh fruit, OJ, and a gallon of fresh coffee. Yum.
Once I had refueled, I proceeded to spend the rest of the day meandering my way along the coast. Part of the route I took is aptly labelled "The Scenic Route", which always makes me chuckle because, in my family, this was synonymous with "the looooooong way" and was universally loathed by all under-20's. Ah, how times change...
So it took me roughly 7 hours to complete what should...
scratch that...
could have been a 2 1/2 hour drive. It was marvelous. I stopped wherever the spirit moved me., which ended up including Mary's Point (see pic to the right), Cape Enrage (above) , St. Martin's (top), and Sussex Corner (below). Unfortunately, my pics are not ready yet, so I've had to turn to google image for illustrative assistance, but suffice it to say that it was gorgeous, and quite relaxing to be out of the city and away from my life, which has been unduly stressful of late. Just what the proverbial doctor ordered, I think.
Now it's back to the grind, and more of the same. But that's ok. Although I wish I had had more time and more money to continue my reprieve, I am rejuvenated for the time being. I highly recommend the solo mini break as a means to recharge batteries. It was incomprehensibly wonderful not to have anyone to answer to for anything. Even if it was only for a brief moment in time.
So... what did you all do this past weekend??
Ooooh, sounds like you had a great time. :)
I went up to the tallest observation deck in the WORLD with Naomi and Gilly. We were 447 meters in the air. 447!!!
I also shopped, oh so very much. Sh-paaah.
Hope you're having a lovely day, Jenn. :)
TVT: ooooooooooooooooooooo! Shopping!!! Fun! Did you find any fun shoooooooooooooooooes???
Oh! And did you walk on the glass floor? Didja???
jackt: Mmmmmmmmmm... the ocean. Non-oceaners seem to think that any body of water will do, and while a nice big lake (read Lake Superior or something of the like) will help to curb the need for the sea, this is only a temporary fix. There's just no substitute, really.
Hi Jenn,
I will have to re-read your blog again, but I TOTALLY understand the PINING FOR OCEAN. I am going thru SERIOUS withdrawls in the summer months here in Ottawa. I don't know I am doing it for the SECOND summer in a row. But going home for a weekend in August. Whooo Whooooo !! CLARE HERE I COME!
Enjoy the SEA AIR or anything close to it - Jenn or Anyone else close to the SEASHORE... and think of me, Julie!
Take care y'all in the MARITIMES!
Luv Jules
What did i do last weekend? ... well, i helped my father to put a window... My family and I made food for the teachers, I went to an art exposition (A friend of my father is an artist), i have a new girlfriend... (i'll see how long we last...hehehe) ...
I watched 3 movies on sunday in my house,then i went to the movies with my new girlfriend (Poseidon).
I washed my clothes... and i slept with my cat. Nothing special i guess... just another weekend.
haa Leon....you slept with your cat? Might wanna rethink the english my love:) but hey if that is your thing:)
also....Jenn.....sometimes those mini-lights are essential...sigh! what can you do but call your friends to help you out
hahahahahaha ... i get it now Tobs... hahahaha... my cat slept next to me... hahahahahaha ....
that was so funny...
Good day Tobs and Jenn
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